Beat Caregiver Stress - Build Resilience and Well-Being

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Workshops and other training programs

Dr. Pat has delivered many training and development programs, on a wide range of topics, to organizations in across Canada. Through a reflective and experiential process, her workshops are designed to be an informative, motivational and ‘take action’ experience. Participants will leave with a self care action plan and a host of reference materials.

General Outline of Day Workshops

More Information:

Beat caregiver stress! Build resiliency skills and watch how managing stress becomes 'manageable'. Many workers in the animal care world leave the profession early while others are more resilient, enjoying a long & rewarding career. Why? Compassion fatigue and secondary trauma, the emotional exhaustion & trauma caused by the chronic demands of helping animals, their owners, and the community, can extract a heavy cost to animal care workers. Dr. Pat focuses on practical stress buster techniques to build resiliency, manage compassion fatigue, and beat burnout. Self knowledge is the first step. Personal, confidential inventories on workplace challenges & resiliency are available to all participants. We will discuss how these factors influence your work. We'll also begin a discussion on what proactive steps organizations and animal welfare educators can take to support long term, resilient careers in animal welfare.

The Typical Workshop at a Glance

Workshop Testimonials - Example of Full Day Workshop - Toronto GTA

Dr. Pat is currently offering workshops on the following topics:

An introductory stress buster kit will be available for all participants. Certification granted for attending the workshops.

Check out the events page for upcoming public workshops or feel free to hold a private workshop. Full day/half-day, evenings and Sundays available. All are welcome!

Please contact Dr. Pat via email or call 416-523-2154 for more information.

© 2009-2024 All Rights Reserved Dr. Pat Comley, Ed.D., PCC.